
Today's Horror Movies Just Violence?

Searching for articles i just typed in horror movie article into Google out of curiosity just to see what would pop up. What I got was an article from Newsweek entitled Horror Show: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12015261/site/newsweek/ . Basically the premise of the article is how today's horror movies are going into a new trend almost a new sub genre much like what Gogol mentioned about different horror genres: http://mismonster.blogspot.com/2007_09_09_archive.html . It's main focus is newer horror films such as Cabin Fever, Saw, and Hostel focus on a more bloody theme rather than older fashioned horror films that relied on surprise and shock elements. These days kids are so desensitized to violence, it takes a lot to phase almost anyone these days. I could probably watch several people get decapitated on screen and not even flinch. I do still find any types of eye surgery gross. What's interesting is these movies do actually sell in theatres. It pointed out that the Saw franchise had already gained 250 million by early 2006(when the article was published.) Overall I believe that horror movies do appear to be violent and probably will become violent. In many ways i consider violence an art form and excessive violence can even be made to make some sort of connection to modern day society. That or a couple million dollars from 15 year olds sneaking into R rated movies. When you look at horror movies that are clever and/or funny such as Saw or Grindhouse, I feel it's a very good combination and a pattern we will see for another decade.

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