
Pea Soup for Everyone

I just realized that with all of this blogging going on, nobody has talked about The Exorcist.

The Exorcist is arguably one of the best horror movies of all time, according to many different sources. If you put in top ten horror films search on Google, many of the lists that come up have The Exorcist at the top. Why? What makes this movie so scary? What makes it one of the best?

The movie's main premise helps to really scare the audience; that premise being if you believe in God, then you must also believe in the Devil. Even if you do not believe in God specifically, most people believe in a balance to the universe of good and evil. This movie delves deep into the psyche of human nature and beliefs. The movie has held its ability to scare it audiences because it does not deal with a simple monster that can be seen as make-believe; rather it deals with things that people want to consider to be real, that is the existence of a higher power. I guess what makes it so to people that believe in some sort of greater power is having to acknowledge that there is an equally bad side to balance out the good.

The film sets the stage with this ultimate struggle between good and evil, but then it manages to throw in the shock factor of certain scenes. One scene in particular is where the possessed girl spider walks down the stairs. What makes this scene work is it is completely unexpected and very creepy. However, the clincher is the use of the camera speed, the speed of the shot is sped up to give an unnatural feel to the whole shot. The other shot that everybody knows about is the scene with the vomit that looks like pea soup. Shortly after rotating her head 360 degrees that possessed girl throws up this vile looking vomit. This thick green vomit has an unnatural feel to it because of the color. The vomit resembles pea soup; needless to say people that see this movie can never look at pea soup the same way.

The Exorcist in 30 Seconds...Performed by Bunnies

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